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Me reservo el derecho de publicar noticias ficticias -debidamente señaladas NF- cuando la realidad me aburra, alternando con mis entradas de opinión.

lunes, 26 de abril de 2010

Piranhas in the fish bowl.

It is us Cubans's damn habit to be always picking arguments and heated verbal fights among each other as well as pin-pointing one another as suspicious of working or writing in a way to serve the Castro Regime. Because of that we have always a slimer chance of impact in denouncing no matter what crime of the dictator , be that his life style on the sweat of his people - most of them living in shambles with discontinuous water and electric supplies-or how he orders to terminate suspicious pregnancies in order to prevent an entry in the stats of newborns mortality.* Regardless of the graphic or audiovisual evidence, we are easy pray to Castro's propaganda blaming dark plots of the CIA to always discredit him.

How many people know of the twenty-six people ( 26!) dead from starvation and cold, in a Havana Psychiatric hospital which lies in an area having a microclimate -near Rancho Boyeros, the airport-this past January 2010? What other country would be let get away with that one?

Why don't we better concentrate our strenght in denouncing these things in English, we who are the ones with the language communication ability to receive the work of the indepedent journalists risking his liberty in Cuba?

So no way. Instead, we develop an ever higher number of piranhas in our fish bowl, biting chunks of notoriety here and there, being -many of us- critical and suspicious of little brave women like Yoani Sánchez, whose blog can be read in various languages thanks to its excellency. It is time for unity, not for endulging in what I term a genetic curse of envy and jealousy. It divided us before and it continues to divice us now: a real curse with Castro knows how to manipulate very well to its advantage and survival presenting himself as a David under attack from a monstruous Goliath: the USA ans us the stupid exiles.
So are the mad treated in my country. VERY STRONG IMAGES
GeneraciónY -English available
Go at the very bottom for the 5 videos of Castro's Punto Cero mansion
How pregnancies are terminated to lower natality death stats Video

*Thanks to that strategy, the USA death toll for newborns is 6 whereas ours is 4.7. The fetuses of interrupted pregnancies are then necropsied and entered correctly as a healthy child into a separate log book. However, there are cases such of the doctor (and Vice Director of the hospital, Arturo Gonzálz Núñez) who performed such an abortive C-section on a 36 weeks carriage and was sued by the mother, who had managed to find out that the pericarditis of his baby boy was reversible and treatable and denounced sue him publically. He was sentenced to 30 years for not having carried out his deed correctly, that is, for not having seen to it that the baby was incinerated inmediately after the autopsy, as it is the usual practice in their strict book of procedures.

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