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miércoles, 28 de abril de 2010

Cuban Ladies In White -Damas de Blanco de Cuba

Damas de Blanco ( Ladies in White)  speaker Lauda Pollan narrates:

We have just come back from an unbearable Repudiation Act  It has been 7 hours and a half of people screaming right into our ears, listening to insults, that was a torture physical and psychological. That hit an iron against the handle of a , with pots and wooden spoons. Another woman made a very strange noise like a bird right into our ears, moving from one person to another to harass us , the most terrible words, obscene ones, lewd gestures , women treated us as lesbians inviting them to have lesbian sex in dirty lascivious way -just to slander them. The Castro state security was there laughing it all out , and a  man thrusting his heaps sexually even kicked me in the progress. It all went on from 11.45 AM to 7. 15 PM.

Because it was already dark and they feared the mobs they accepted the police P1 bus to go back home all together. One officer insisted several times in taking the home in the P1 bus.

My personal note. The Police have orders not to allow them to get seriously hurt in order to prevent a serious  International issue, they are very afraid of that. However, we Cubans know that such so called Acts of Repudiation are orchestrated from the regime itself , and even military appear in our pics in plain clothes.

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