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sábado, 26 de agosto de 2017


The main stream media is much more willing to talk about the jihadist radicalization of youngsters than about paedophilia and satanism, both of which equally lead to blood pain and murder.
International studies conclude that watching hard core porn, snuff and gore movies has a devastating effect in the brain of children and adolescents. It makes them criminals. Yet it happens incontrollably, internet is here to stay.
According to the FBI.  Every night 800,000 US paedophiles connect on the internet to exchange child abuse files beginning with babies. All those criminals simply can’t be put all in jail.
Europol. Every year 500,000 children disappear in Europe. One can imagine what happens to them since they never appear again, even though 500,000 is a twelfth of the Holocaust every year.
Parents can’t control what their children watch. However the hatchery for terrorists is very active and effective. Cities attacked say they are not afraid, of course they are and they should be, because the root cause of contagion from both the regular and the dark web cannot be interrupted. Leaders ensued. Humans are becoming bloody, their latest trick for sick pleasure, they are getting animalized, it is a regression.
The media, ocassionally, suggests that dark forces permit or even cause jihadist attacks. But you will never read or hear about Satanism or paedophilia: those who dare bring up the subject are silenced via various ways. One may read how Muslims by the nature of their creed are more prone to contagion, but how about satanists and paedophiles? Regardless of their native religion or lack thereof, they constitute a religion too. They have rituals and a sense of communion with evil entities. Scientific refutals cannot halt or cure this. Like with placebos, science matters nothing.
One should be afraid, be very afraid. Less than two days ago a fiend told me how his father put a gun to his head and order him to leave. At the age of sixteen! This guy is an angel, his father a son of a bitch. I won’t reveal from what country but I think we can all guess it. The violence commited by ISIS is only physical and bloody, but there is another kind of cruel, psychological, intangible violence, an alarming lack of love and empathy. We can witness this on chats every day. Discounting the jokes from ‘’attention whores’’ and ‘’trolls’’, someone says ‘’I am depressed’’ and another responds “Kill yourself, you are worthless,fuck you”.
This can, of course, be politically exploited but I will not get in there now.

jueves, 17 de agosto de 2017

The Barcelona attack

The Barcelona attack
Some Spanish TV trying to say blame the attacks on ‘unemployment that Muslims suffer due to discrimination’’.
Bullshit, that is fake/desingenuous leftism: they used to do the same to explain higher crime rates amongst blacks. However money may be indeed involved. In the San Bernardino attack, Syed Rizwan Farook had just recently named his wife universal heiress of a sum of money paid to him by whom? These are not even religion hate crimes, ISIS is using mercenaries and I hope authorities investigate and find a way to invalidate sudden heritages.
The moment the Barcelona terror became news a clear idea came to my mind: that Trump would not condemn it because that is what the media would expect him to and because he does not want to pick on friends od neonazis. Yes, you read it right, I am not crazy. I’ll explain why later. Actually Trump did condemn the attack but he did not mention Muslims. Being antisemitic is the nexus and one condition that links all terrorrists, be that islamic extremists or nazis. Neither group like being on the other’s way to hate Israel. Given how Trump has treated the Muslims, isn’t it strange that no terror attacks have ocurred during his presidency? So I was taken aback yesterday when I watched the Rabi who blessed Trump’s inauguration say that ‘’While he was disappointed in Trump’s being apologetical of neonazis,he still thanked Trump for going and telling the Arabs to be friendlier to Jews and condemn Iran because, unlike Arabs, Iran was not only still denying the Holocaust but was the number one Holocaust denier in the World’’. None of the terror attacks in Europe can be blamed on Iran, not even the Charlie Hebdo. Birds of a feather flock together. You won’t see Trump nor neonazis condemn Islamic terrorists by name, they hate only the Jews. As for Trump, ha hates whoever hates him and cares only for money.

domingo, 6 de agosto de 2017

Luisa Ortega and inconditional Trump supporters

When you inconditionally support someone who has become radicalized you become a traitor to the original noble idea. This is what happened to Luisa Ortega in Venezuela and also to Trump supporters. You see those folks wrapped in the American flag calling Congress a swamp and wishing they could by-pass it to impose their ideas with total disregard to senators and congressmen elected by the American people. In the case of Luisa Ortega, now banned as Attorney General, she was a convinced chavista all the way to his dubious end*. There is a point beyond which you become a traitor to the original ideals. Even when Chavez could no longer be called a democrat she stood behind Chavez with her torch, willing to burn the place. Now she got burnt. Am I sorry for her? Not really. If you ask her, or -in the US- Flynn, or Reince Priebus or Sacaramucci, they would blame it on the swamp (democracy) not on their standing behind the wrong people and the wrong idea. The will never be sorry for what they did or admit to have contributed themselves to the current situation. Before Luisa Ortega was Lina Ron, a female version of Chavez, an hyper-agressive alcohol and drug abuser, who used to sream ‘’With Chavez all the way to hell’’ and in hell she rots –I hope- after Chavez jailed her and she died physically. Ortegas’ death is not physical … yet.

* There is ample evidence that charismatic Chavez was removed by Castro regime while in the hospital to be replaced by Maduro, who was educated and formed in Cuba to conform to Fidel Castro’s ideals of expansion along with Brazil’s Jose Ignacio Lula da Silva and Argentina’s Cristina Kischner rather than follow Chavez limited unification with Colombia (the Gran Colombia). There is an audio from anonymous featuring high ranking Cuban military and Raul Castro plotting exactly that - Skip the presentation until minute 3.22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR7y0RQXhHI- Chavez was embalmed but no one ever has seen his corpse despite the mausoleum they planned to exhibit him at,  and those who approached the casket saw a wax figure.

jueves, 6 de abril de 2017

You can't fight Bashar al-Asad without helping ISIS

Hitler was Satan. His aides were the SS. They worked together to fuck the world. The enemies  of both knew whom to fight

Bashar al-Asad is Hitler and ISIS are the SS. Their fighting each other fucks the world. They both hold innocent civilians as hostages and kill them slowly so their enemies and allies can’t choose to help either one.
Putin, Iran Hezbolah and China have it clear, they’ll help Bashar Háfez al-Ásad.
Putin is familiar with this type of situation, after all he  sacrificed by poisoning 170 innocent people to save 850 hostages when 50 Islamist Chechens  took the Moscow Theater on 23 October 2002. While physicians in Moscow condemned the refusal to disclose the identity of the gas even as people agonized, both the US and UK justified Putin’s decision.

Does the world know now why ruthless dictators rise and what is the root cause?
Do Trump voters know Putin threatened with World World III if Obama stopped Bashar al-Asad Do Trump voters know Trump told Obama twelve times not to intervene to stop Bashar al-Asad ‘s atrocities?
Do Trump voters realize what a blabber their idol is?
Does the world understand why ruthless dictators like Saddan Hussein, Gaddafi and Bashar al-Asad  will  always rise in the Middle Eastand, what the root cause is?


lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Global Yihad and what it may mean

A terror attack today and the mediatic birth of a neologism. Global Yihad
Good luck fate or a forged coincidence is throwing a life line to the deteriorated image of the USA and Europe embracing the russian bear, Putin. Russia suffered a massacre today, a small but bloody one, by no means comparable to the ones they have caused in Syria while attacking rebels who opossed the Syrian regime. Russia ha barely touched ISIS so I was wondering what adjective word they would use to describe today’s brutal tragedy in St Petersburg. So Russian media first used the generic word terror attack but soon went insistingly onto a new word: Global Yihad.
That is the perfect term to describe what goes on around the world and the raise of Islamophobia. Even though the greek particle phobia means fear, the media makes use and abused of it as if it meant hatred. The world’s democracies are no doubt afraid of global yihad and its root cause, strict extreme Islam. We live in a world where more and more people become agnostic or atheist but outgrowing this is a wantom for blood spill and warrior romanticism spread by videogames and lack of human values, all offered in Yihad.
This is why I say a common front against Global Yihad could easily bring together real democrats with skeptics of Putin, Trump, Marine LePen and ultraright movements in Hungary and Poland. The multicurality prone media can’t counter attack fast enough with their naive rendering of an atheist vegetarian Paradise reminding us of the Witness of Jehova pamphlet covers depiting prairies and lions and sheep laying on the shade of the trees.