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lunes, 3 de abril de 2017

Global Yihad and what it may mean

A terror attack today and the mediatic birth of a neologism. Global Yihad
Good luck fate or a forged coincidence is throwing a life line to the deteriorated image of the USA and Europe embracing the russian bear, Putin. Russia suffered a massacre today, a small but bloody one, by no means comparable to the ones they have caused in Syria while attacking rebels who opossed the Syrian regime. Russia ha barely touched ISIS so I was wondering what adjective word they would use to describe today’s brutal tragedy in St Petersburg. So Russian media first used the generic word terror attack but soon went insistingly onto a new word: Global Yihad.
That is the perfect term to describe what goes on around the world and the raise of Islamophobia. Even though the greek particle phobia means fear, the media makes use and abused of it as if it meant hatred. The world’s democracies are no doubt afraid of global yihad and its root cause, strict extreme Islam. We live in a world where more and more people become agnostic or atheist but outgrowing this is a wantom for blood spill and warrior romanticism spread by videogames and lack of human values, all offered in Yihad.
This is why I say a common front against Global Yihad could easily bring together real democrats with skeptics of Putin, Trump, Marine LePen and ultraright movements in Hungary and Poland. The multicurality prone media can’t counter attack fast enough with their naive rendering of an atheist vegetarian Paradise reminding us of the Witness of Jehova pamphlet covers depiting prairies and lions and sheep laying on the shade of the trees.

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