When you inconditionally support someone who has become
radicalized you become a traitor to the original noble idea. This is what
happened to Luisa Ortega in Venezuela and also to Trump supporters. You see
those folks wrapped in the American flag calling Congress a swamp and wishing
they could by-pass it to impose their ideas with total disregard to senators and
congressmen elected by the American people. In the case of Luisa Ortega, now
banned as Attorney General, she was a convinced chavista all the way to his
dubious end*. There is a point beyond which you become a traitor to the
original ideals. Even when Chavez could no longer be called a democrat she
stood behind Chavez with her torch, willing to burn the place. Now she got
burnt. Am I sorry for her? Not really. If you ask her, or -in the US- Flynn, or
Reince Priebus or Sacaramucci, they would blame it on the swamp (democracy) not
on their standing behind the wrong people and the wrong idea. The will never be
sorry for what they did or admit to have contributed themselves to the current
situation. Before Luisa Ortega was Lina Ron, a female version of Chavez, an
hyper-agressive alcohol and drug abuser, who used to sream ‘’With Chavez all
the way to hell’’ and in hell she rots –I hope- after Chavez jailed her and she
died physically. Ortegas’ death is not physical … yet.
* There is ample evidence that charismatic Chavez was removed by Castro regime while in the hospital to be replaced by Maduro, who was educated and formed in Cuba to conform to Fidel Castro’s ideals of expansion along with Brazil’s Jose Ignacio Lula da Silva and Argentina’s Cristina Kischner rather than follow Chavez limited unification with Colombia (the Gran Colombia). There is an audio from anonymous featuring high ranking Cuban military and Raul Castro plotting exactly that - Skip the presentation until minute 3.22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR7y0RQXhHI- Chavez was embalmed but no one ever has seen his corpse despite the mausoleum they planned to exhibit him at, and those who approached the casket saw a wax figure.
* There is ample evidence that charismatic Chavez was removed by Castro regime while in the hospital to be replaced by Maduro, who was educated and formed in Cuba to conform to Fidel Castro’s ideals of expansion along with Brazil’s Jose Ignacio Lula da Silva and Argentina’s Cristina Kischner rather than follow Chavez limited unification with Colombia (the Gran Colombia). There is an audio from anonymous featuring high ranking Cuban military and Raul Castro plotting exactly that - Skip the presentation until minute 3.22 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aR7y0RQXhHI- Chavez was embalmed but no one ever has seen his corpse despite the mausoleum they planned to exhibit him at, and those who approached the casket saw a wax figure.