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sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2015

Explicando la islamofobia.

Esta generación ha dejado de aprender y está olvidando lo que había aprendido.
1 “fobia’ significa miedo no “odio”. Las dos no son sinónimos. Por tanto si “odio” y “miedo” fueran sinónimos no habría dos palabras diferentes.
2”Explicar” no es “justificar”.Cuando un sicólogo dice que un individuo abusa de niños porque también abusaron de él, está intentando explicar el abuso,no justificándolo.
 ¿Qué otra cosa sintieron en París sino terror aquel viernes sangriento? Los que matan dicen hacerlo ‘’en nombre del Islam’’, los otros musulmanes dicen ‘’no conocemos a estos tipos’’.
Pero eso no les importa a las víctimas porque la maldita y sangrienta realidad del hecho es que cuando oigo Allahuk Akbar detrás de mí me estremezco porque la cosa siguiente – y úlima- que podría ver es una perpectiva voladora siguiendo la trayectoria de mi cabeza mostrando el escenario de mi muerte.
Los musulmanes normales se están cansando de decir “ no en mi nombre” y empezaron a decir ‘’Váyanse al carajo’’.
Por tanto, los islamofóbicos están diciendo ‘’Váyanse al carajo ustedes y los otros, porque no sabemos distinguir los unos de los otros,y de hecho, ni siquiera ustedes pueden”. Esto es tal como lo digo. Cada vez que son interrogados la familia y los amigos dicen que no tenían ni idea. A menos que estén mintiendo, lo cual solo empeora las cosas.


This generation has stopped learning and is forgetting what it had learned.
1 ‘’Phobia’’ means ‘’fear’’, not ‘’hatred’’. The two are not synonims. Therefore if ‘’hatred’’ meant ‘’fear’’ there wouldn’t be two separate words.
2 ‘’Explaining’’ is not ‘’justifying’’. When a psychologist says an individual abuses children because he too was abused, he is not justyfing the abuse but attempting to explain it.
What else but terror would you call what Parisians felt on that Bloody Friday? The people who kill say they do so ‘’in the name of Islam’’. The other Muslims say ‘’we don’t know these guys’’. Bu for the victims it doesn’t matter who is right because the basic, fundamental bloody principle of the thing is that, if I hear Allahuk Akbar behind me, I sudder, because the next -and last- thing I see could be a flying perspective following the trajectory of my head showing the scenary of my death.
Normal Muslims are tired of saying ‘’Not in my name’’ and feel like saying ‘’Fuck off’’.
So Islamophobics are saying ‘’fuck off too, you and the other guys, for we can’t tell who is who and as a matter of fact, neither can you’’. And that is just so. Everytime you ask friends and family of terrorists they say they had no idea. Unless they are lying, which of course makes the whole thing only worse.

miércoles, 9 de diciembre de 2015

Islamophobia and Trump.

Islamophobia and Trump .
The Greek root phobia means fear not hatred. But the ranking-hungry media is always seeking a chance to thrive on ignorance and earn audience. It took Obama the San Bernardino shootings to dare link ISIS and Islam, though a perverted version of Islam. Who would not be afraid when benign cell already within yout system turn maligne and camouflage until they strike? Islams is yes being perverted at a high speed rate and big mouth Trump is right to be afraid because there is no known treatment.
Trump’streating of Islam like Ebola is however shortsighted enough to believe the solution to be banning Muslims from entering the country, first because the recipients are already inside  and second because contagion is airborn thru technology and the internet. But here we must make an important distinction. Although ISIS coordinates their operations thru the Dark Net , the adhesions of new adepts and pledges of alliance must be blatant and are done in the open  social media to show off and maximize their contagion. All experts agree, so why allow it?

Some countries are deactivating jihadist cells by detaining individuals on the simple gound that they publically vowed fidelity to Daesh.

I ignore whether the USA goes to that length but it is dubious. Now, how much money do the guys of NSA get paid to be unefficient and/or hand-tied by idiotic regulations, mediatically blasted -of course- by the leftist media, while the criminals act at large, thanks partially to naive assholes such Snowden, who must be rotting nostalgically and sorry to have sold his soul and freedom to Putin?

Then, technology must be sharpened and put to a better use. Less unimportant apps and more ‘’mankind patriotism’’, the only one acceptable when you think about it. If a cell phone screen can become a camera flash, it could be made to become a finger print reader. Nah you can’t use a cell with gloves or type fast enough with your knuckles…If phone companies can trace where a specific number assigned to a SIM card is, surely someone could read the number on any  SIM card remotely by aiming a device -not developed yet- at suspects so that information is retrieved and all calls and messages read.  Of course, including shared sex pics and infidelities. Yes, no privacy  for neither the good or the bad guys. Would overratedly well respected and institutions such ACLU go for that? Of course not . Should they know? Nope! Do it and shut up. How you ever seen Putin broadcasting future chess master concoctions? Americans, don’t be big mouthing everything to networks for money, make it yes a crime. That is no nazi state, that is fighting the spread of the coming nazi state.
This is not about patriotism but about saving lives. However there is treason to mankind here. Money. Money does not believe in flags or God for money itself is God for the Mafia, the drug traffickers and weapon mongers.
In conclusion: do not tell the virus what your next strategy is. Don’t bother to philosophy why a healthy cell became malign -just destroy its ability to strike. Once detected act by intuition not by reasonable doubts. Murphy’s law is more a fact and a guideline than ever.

lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2015

Obama y el ISIS que es y no es Islam

Todo lo que ocurre es culpa del Moviminento Enlightened.
Viven convencidos de que este mundo sería mejor ateo y humanista.
Ahora bien : predicar que ‘’el bien debe de hacerse por amor y no por temor a un inexistente Dios’’  falso no  basta sin llevarlo a la práctica, y le método elegido por los más urgidos o  radicales es provocar la guerra entre religiones, concretamente, virar a los musulmanes contra los católicos apoyando el terrorismo de HAMAS los más radicales y la falsas reclamaciones de discriminación por parte de los musulmanes islamizantes.
Los del movimiento iluminista no sólo pintan a los católicos como talibanes fascistas, sino que luchan por socavar los principios socavando la familia tradicional, llegando los má radicales y por tanto más mediáticos a pasar de proclamar el derecho legítimo de ser gay a casi querer imponerlo. A los musulmanes poco les importa eso, uno, porque ellos mis están descubriendo cosas en occidente y otra porque hallan en el grupo un aliado para avanzar.
El autor Franco judío Bernard.Henri Levy  declaró "Los Le Pens están encantados de los ataques de París"  Y dice en su libro  ''Le Génius du Judaism'' "Tres fascismos han asolado la humanidad, el Nazismo, el Comunismo y ahora el Islamismo"
Cualquiera que sepa distinguir entre ser judío y ser sionista sabrá hacerlo entre ser gay y gayzar ( eso lo hacen los más radicales) y ser musulmán a islamizar.
Los miembros del Enlightment no tienen una sede pero son reales. Su acción provoca la reacción : los neonazis, que erradamente, toman lo que ocurre como una maniobra judía para establecer caos y un nuevo orden mundial.
En medio de todo eso, Obama, a quien considero un genio empeñado ensacar alos USA de guerras y no meterlos en más, ha comprendido bien cómo es eso de que ISIS no es Islam pero sí es Islam: Es Islam degenerado.
O sea, el Islam se está corrompiendo en  parte gracias a la izquierda y al movimiento iluminista (en este sentido yo , creyente, estimo que el diablo no pierde  un segundo en pervertir los más nobles propósitos) y en otra parte debido a su exposición al ‘’satánico y libre occidente’’, que les provoca entrar en negación y una reacción suicida. Posiblemente el Islam no subsista bien rodeado de tentaciones y la convivencia en otros tiempos fuera distinta, cuando el entorno no era tan libertino.

Como sea, si el Islam está corrompido, el peligro ya está ‘’dentro’’, no en las ciudades tomadas por el estado Islámico. Y debido a eso se comprende la negación de Obama a que se pierdan más vidas estado unidenses en guerras exteriores cuando tienen una guerra interna, se comprende la reacción que trajo el triunfo de los Le Pen, del neofascismo de los Balcanes y Hungría o Polonia, así como el previsible triunfo de los republicanos en USA, negándose a meter más peligro en casa y a que les quiten las armas.

Esto que llaman un plan de los neonazis no existe, no es otra cosa que la lucha por no perder las libertades y las vidas, en reacción al abuso de provocación. Tampoco existe un plan malvado judío para un Nuevo Orden Mundial. Lo que existe es Hegel : tesis, antítesis,síntesis.

lunes, 30 de noviembre de 2015

The solution is a lesbian world.

"The solution is a lesbian world " by Bea Gimeno, Podemos.

I would like to bring to the attenton of the non Spanish speakers som excerpts from a writer by Bea Gimeno, -left-wing party Podemos-, who I call Lesbianator due to her crusade to lesbianize the world.
A few words before the translation of  a few pearls of wisdom:

I reckon I love to fuck* the left because the left is behind al the calamamities that my familiy,my friends and I have been through and they side today with all the wrong guys such the North Korea regime, Venezuela Cuba or HAMAS not to mention radical islamism.  After Hitler there has been noother fascists than the leftists, who love to call others fascists and use this instead of an argument to make their point to undermine credibility on the people they don’t like for what they say and don’t want to hear.When I say fuck I mean not to turn a blind eye and not to let go on any of the things they do or and say -even though we all do and say arguable things. So it is ok for anyone to say whatever they do but I seldom argue except when I think they do believe it the shit –in may opinion- they are saying. I won’t go beyond that because sooner than later it proves to be worthless. So as far I am concern they can say I lost the debate or defected it. I don’t really care. So in compliance with my purpose today I am proud to present you some of the shit divulged by the Spanish Leftists such Podemos. The   high case letters are mine.

 ‘’A Political Approach to Lesbianism’’


"HETEROSEXUALITY IS NOT THE NATURAL WAY OF LIVING SEXUALITY, but a political and social tool with a very specific function that feminists denounced decades ago: to subordinate  women to men; a regulatory regime of sexuality whose aims is to help distribute power unevenly between women and men , thus sustaining  a category of men oppressing women "

"Having a male condition means belonging to the genus which holds all the power"

"Heterosexuality is the main tool of patriarchy"

"To forget that in most historical periods women, had they been free to choose, would have rather chosen not to have sex with men, not living with them, do not relate to them, is to forget something fundamental in the history of women (and of men) "

"Heterosexuality truly digs into the lives and bodies of women. For women to place themselves in the physical space of lesbianism can be liberating in as much as their bodies are free and can breath from an outsider position regarding heterosexuality, because they can observe it from the outside and be more aware of the mechanisms of oppression that operate over us. "

"Heterosexuality is not only taught but also strenuous efforts are made so that most women feel they have no other choice; heterosexuality is strongly induced, hence the multiple mechanisms to support it, to teach, to encourage it,  to punish dissent, to pressure women to ultimately become heterosexual are psychological, social, economic, and political.”